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Category: Poems about life


Cardboard and glue

mothers day poetry

I must have been 5 years old
When I saw it on TV
That giant bright pink Barbie house
You wouldn’t buy for me

I had no idea about money then
Little girls so young never do
It was magic, things just appeared
Like clothing, toys and food

You couldn’t afford the Barbie house
But you wanted to make me happy
Somehow you had to find a way
And I admire your creativity

Because one morning I woke up
To the most surprising view
I couldn’t believe my eyes mum
A house of cardboard and glue

It was bigger and it was better
Than any doll house I’d ever seen
With so many more rooms and features
Than the ads or magazines

You must have stayed up night after night
To build a Barbie house so great
You made me the happiest girl alive
With nothing but boxes and tape

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A little bit mad

poem about risotto

Today I searched for you in a bag of risotto
It’s been 4 months
I still think you might come back
I looked in all the obvious places
Under the fridge, the sofa
The shoe rack

But lately
I find myself checking anywhere
Like the bread bin
Or inside an old rucksack
I looked under my keyboard, behind books
Along skirting boards, inside every crack

Just in case you can’t find your way home
In case you’re trapped
Or injured quite bad
Just in case
Even though I know
It’s all a little bit mad

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I run the bath
To wash them out
These words
Inside my brain

The water burns
I yearn
For it to melt
The echoes of today

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The ‘M’ word

Eat kale
Drink craft ale
Flat white
Swipe right
Diet clean
Daily meme
Gym selfie
Fit ‘n’ healthy
Live feeds
Chia seeds
Fat free cakes
Vegan shoes
Militant views
Twitter spats
#hashtag that
Gluten free
Matcha tea
Plastic free
Save the sea
Use Google maps
+ dating apps
+ banking apps
+ shopping apps
ASOS addict
Amazon habit
Yes to Netflix
No to Brexit

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Did I talk too much?

hamster poem
When you left I cried
Felt broken like the day he died

But his departure was bittersweet
I held him ‘til his heart did not beat

For his very last moments he stayed
It was right next to me he laid

But I have no idea where you are
Are you warm, cold, hungry or far?

Not knowing is what makes it so hard
And my heart will always be scarred

It seems like forever since we’ve spoken
If only I hadn’t left the hamster cage open…

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