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Pearls of Poetry Posts


artichoke poem

Steaming, hot
Inside the pot,
the bubbles whirl
And swirl
As the artichoke
Chokes in water

Leaves soften and yield
Peeling, revealing
The hidden heart
I fall apart
Like the artichoke flower

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Did I talk too much?

hamster poem
When you left I cried
Felt broken like the day he died

But his departure was bittersweet
I held him ‘til his heart did not beat

For his very last moments he stayed
It was right next to me he laid

But I have no idea where you are
Are you warm, cold, hungry or far?

Not knowing is what makes it so hard
And my heart will always be scarred

It seems like forever since we’ve spoken
If only I hadn’t left the hamster cage open…

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